06 November 2016

Welcome to the JavaMoney Shelter.

JavaMoney-shelter is a sandbox or "sanctuary" (no TWD style, we promise;-D) for new ideas and modules to be adopted, e.g. via Adopt-a-JSR or similar programs.
The shelter also acts as incubator module for testing out new features or modules before they may enter the official javamoney library.
This allows to gain experience and make components error prone and performant and enables a discussion of new features with a broader community.

Gimme Shelter

Social Media Week

At Social Media Week 2014, Werner Keil hosted expert discussions about Digital Currencies like Bitcoin in Copenhagen

Bitcoin, Payment Instrument or Object of Speculation? (SMWCPH 2014) by Werner Keil

and Hamburg

Bitcoin, Payment Instrument or Object of Speculation? (SMWHH 2014) von Werner Keil

The Hamburg session was recorded, if you log into Social Media Week you can watch the full video.

How to Adopt?

Authors and Contributors

Everyone is welcome to contribute. Werner Keil (@keilw) composed this project for you.