24 October 2013

What is JavaMoney?

JavaMoney is the new monetary API for the Java™ Platform as well as related projects and libraries. Whereas the API (JSR 354) provides a portable and extendible API for handling of Money & Currency models, Moneta provides a production ready reference implementation.
The JavaMoney libraries add additional functionalities that were built on top of the API such as

  • Currency conversion
  • Currency mapping and namespaces
  • Basic financial calculations
  • Extended formatting (usable for arbitrary types)
  • Region API, allowing to organize regions, countries and territories as a forest of region trees
  • Validity API, allowing to manage the validity of arbitrary data and relations related to time (history)

Different people have contributed to this project. During the development of JSR 354, @atsticks and @keilw founded this project and were also the main contributors.
